DATE              :           01 JUNE 2023 (THURSDAY)

TIME             :           9.00 AM – 3.00 PM

VENUE           :           Titian Bakau, Parit Kassim, Muar. Johor


CSR Program Planting Mangroves Trees in Titian Bakau, Parit Kassim, Muar. Jointly organized by Department of Electrical Engineering (JKE)PMJ, Smartgreen PolyCC-PMJ and Community in Parit Kassim. Penghulu Tn. Afezan also attended with his team for this activity. We recorded the Planting of 100 mangrove seedlings of various species, among them stone trees(Pokok Nyireh Batu) oil mangroves(Bakau Minyak) and ringworm(Bakau Kurap) mangroves that were sown together with community.

“ Plant Trees For The Planet”
